Sacred Geometry


Sacred Geometry is a term used to describe the patterns, shapes and forms that are part of the makeup of all living things all of which regularly occur in nature.  It is a system of universal design in which the energy of creation organizes itself into a scared form.  These Sacred Geometry Crystals are created from the five Platonic Solids-defined by Plato over 2300 years ago.  Every physical manifestation in the universe is built from one of these sacred geometry shapes. 

Tetrahedron:  4 triangular sides/Symbolizes Fire Element/ Facilitates change/ Infuses mind with spiritual energy/Chakra:  Solar Plexus

 Cube (Hexahedron):  6 square sides/ Symbolizes Earth Element/ Creates solid foundation/ Stabilizes and grounds/ Encourages patience / Chakra:  Root 

Octahedron:  8 triangular sides/ Symbolizes Air Element/ Balances forces of mind, body, spirit /Encourages grace, balance/ Opens mind to learning new things /           Chakra:  Heart

 Dodecahedron: 12 pentagonal sides/ Symbolizes the Universe/ Brings energy of divine forces/ Connects to the energy of light/ Throat, 3rd eye, crown, higher

 Icosahedron: 20 triangular sides/ Symbolizes Water Element/ Trust in the widsom of the Universe/ Enhances creative process/ and physical healing/ Aids in fertility and reproduction/ Chakra:  Sacral

  Sacred Geometry - Sacred Geometry is a term used to describe the patterns, shapes and forms that are part of the makeup of all living things all of which regularly occur in nature.  It is a system of universal design in which the energy of creation organizes itself into a scared form.  These Sacred Geometry Crystals are created from the five Platonic Solids-defined by Plato over 2300 years ago.  Every physical manifestation in the universe is built from one of these sacred geometry shapes.

 Tetrahedron:  4 triangular sides/ Symbolizes Fire Element/ Facilitates changes/   Infuses mind with spiritual energy/ Chakra:  Solar Plexus

 Cube (Hexahedron):  6 square sides/ Symbolizes Earth Element/ Creates solid foundation/ Stabilizes and grounds/ Encourages patience/ Chakra:  Root

 Octahedron: 8 triangular sides/ Symbolizes Air Element/ Balances forces of mind, body, spirit/ Encourages grace, balanced/ Opens mind to learning new things/              Chakra:  Heart

Dodecahedron:  12 pentagonal sides/ Symbolizes the Universe/ Brings energy of divine forces/ Connects to the energy of light/ Chakra:  Throat, 3rd eye, crown, higher

 Icosahedron:  20 triangular sides/ Symbolizes Water Element/ Trust in the wisdom of the Universe/ Enhances creative process/ and physical healing/                        Aids in fertility and reproduction/ Chakra:  Sacral