Chakras: Root (1st), Sexual/Creative (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd), Heart (4th);  Element-Earth;

Infinite™ is a trade name for Bowlenite Jade, a form of green serpentine, from Zimbabwe, S. Africa.  This stone came to the attention of healers, metaphysicians and others due to its extraordinary ability to alleviate pain, physical and emotional, in many levels.  It is helpful for those who feel energetically drained or those around intense negativity. It increases self-confidence and allows one to be less sensitive to the thoughtlessness of others by deed or speech


Infinite aligns energy with the Earth and doing so aligns our body with the energies of healing both the physical body and spiritual mind.  Placement of the stone on the area of pain will pull the pain away from the area and the stone has been known to change color slightly during this process.  It can be also carried as a pocket stone.  It also eases the pain of loss through death, separation, divorce or any other type of emotional pain.